Latest update: January 22, 2002      Total pictures: 37
New = recently featured as a "New Image."

Please note: I do not do requests. I thought that at one point I would like to draw for others, but since then, my time has literally become consumed by other obligations (most notably my son). Please do not e-mail me begging for a picture. I consider "begging" any kind of asking when I have already said "no" here.
If you must have a picture, visit one of the following sites to request pics. All of these artists are extremely good, and usually quite happy to accomodate you.
If you would like me to add your fan-art request page here, please e-mail me. ^.^

(arranged by date, starting with most recent)
Manga Sailor Earth - computer modified. (I wanted to see if I could actually do it. ^.^)
for: Tory Brown
date: February/March 2001

The main cast of P:SE, manga style (again, computer modified).
for: Tory Brown
date: March 2001

Half-brother and sister. Read P:SE y'all. ^.^ (and again, computer modified)
for: Tory Brown
date: March 2001

Sailor Earth KiSS doll, from Project: Sailor Earth
for: Tory Brown
date: September 2000
Sailor Dark Moon KiSS doll, from Sailor Dark Moon
for: Kenya Stallworth
date: September 2000
Sailor Caribes KiSS dolls, from Sailor Caribes
for: Mahtlactli Atl
date: September 2000
Australian Senshi KiSS dolls, from Australian Senshi Sailorstar
for: Kit
date: Sept/Oct 2000
Silver from The Adventures of Silver.
for: Islana (a.k.a. Queen Itsy ^.^)
date: July 2000
Yaocihuatl Tlazolteotl from Sailor Coyolxauhqui's Codex.
for: Mahtlactli Atl
date: May/June 2000
Sailor Earth (Project: Sailor Earth) in a battle pose with an aura around her. (computer edited)
for: Tory Brown
date: May/June 2000
Same Sailor Earth pic, different background.
for: Tory Brown
date: May/June 2000
Sailor Taygeta, take two. Much better, in my opinion. ^.^
date: May 2000
Atlacihuatl Chalchiuhtlicue from Sailor Coyolxauhqui's Codex.
for: Mahtlactli Atl
date: March 2000
Utopian Knight from Project: Sailor Earth.
requested by: Tory Brown
date: February 2000
Yaocihuatl Mayahuel from Sailor Coyolxauhqui's Codex.
for: Mahtlactli Atl
date: February 2000
Sailor Coyolxauhqui in color.
for: Mahtlactli Atl
date: February 2000
Sailor Coyolxauhqui (sketch) from Sailor Coyolxauhqui's Codex.
for: Mahtlactli Atl
date: January 2000
Sailor Sirius from the Sirius Chronicles.
for: Sharon Williams
date: January 2000
Sailor Taygeta from the Pleiades Senshi RPG
for: Chiara Fazzi
date: November 1999
The Solar Stars (all - gloves are incorrect).
requested by: Lisa
date: August 1999
Alanna. For the Warriors of Euphoria RPG.
requested by: Crystal Moon
date: June 1999
Makoto and Moshi from Project: Sailor Earth.
requested by: Tory Brown
date: May 1999
Sailor Nega-jupiter from Sailormoon G (computer modified).
for: Tara B.
date: May 1999
Sailor Nega-venus from Sailormoon G (computer modified).
for: Tara B.
date: April 1999
Crystal Moon for the Crystal Senshi RPG.
requested by: Crystal Moon
date: April 1999
Super Sailor Earth from Project: Sailor Earth (computer modified).
for: Tory Brown
date: April 1999
Sailor Earth from Project: Sailor Earth (computer modified).
for: Tory Brown
date: March 1999
Tinuviel for the Warriors of Euphoria RPG.
requested by: Crystal Moon
date: March 1999
The Gemstone Senshi.
for: Tara B.
date: February 1999
Sailor Bex. My sister, Lindsey, as a senshi. ^.^
date: February 1999
Sailor Vulcan from Sailormoon Underground.
for: Chiara Fazzi
date: February 1999
Sailoraoede from Sailormoon Eternal. (pic never finished)
for: Red Lady
date: January 1999
Sailorgaea from Sailormoon Eternal.
for: Red Lady
date: January 1999
Sailorapollo from Sailormoon Eternal.
for: Red Lady
date: January 1999
Karasu and Sailorblackmoon from Sailormoon Eternal.
for: Red Lady
date: December 1998
Sailor Mina.
requested by: Jasmin Sun
date: November 1998
Sailor Cheiron and Sizuku Yamino from Sailormoon Abyss.
for: Chiara Fazzi
date: October 1998

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